Tuesday, September 02, 2008


To see more Maui pics, click on the photo above. It will take you to my Flickr page.

Yesterday my little boy turned five. I haven't felt nostaglic about it yet. Once I go down that road I know I'll end up in a little town I like to call "Poor Me" wherein I lament the fact that his babyhood is gone forever and I may never have another baby again. Instead, I am just happy that I have been given five years with the child of my dreams. He is all I ever wanted and didn't know I needed. He is smart, quick witted, funny and quirky. He has so much spunk and fight in him that at times it startles me. I don't know anyone with as much self confidence as he has. Quite frankly, I marvel that he came from my genes.

I can't wait to see what kind of man he becomes. Well- actually I can wait. He is growing up at an alarming rate. I am trying everyday to mentally hold on to snippets of time we spend together so that when he is grown, I can pull up memories and recall the happiness that I feel just being his mom.

Check this out!

1 comment:

FRIZZ said...

Looks like you are on an amazing trip. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I'll be back!